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Best Weight Gain Formula

Best Weight Gain Formula

Extreme Gainer Blend

With a massive 35g of protein alongside a satisfying 62g of carbs our Extreme Gainer Blend is the ultimate bulk-up formula. We've made sure to add a vitamin and mineral blend so that you're more easily able to hit those all-important recommended daily allowances — keeping you fighting fit day in, day out. 

Add muscle and size with our beasty bulk-up companion, with 502 calories in each serving. 

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Best Gainer Snack

Best Gainer Snack

All-Natural Peanut Butter

Our All-Natural Peanut Butter is a delicious snack that's full of natural protein and magnesium — which helps to reduce tiredness so that you're sharp and on top of your game each and every session. 

Protein helps to build muscle, which is important whatever your goals, so it makes sense to get it into your diet in an indulgently tasty way.

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Best Digestive Supplement

Best Digestive Supplement


With highly researched and specially chosen ingredients such as pancreatin and bromelain, our DigestiMax™ tablets are the ideal choice for anyone looking for some support when engaging in a healthy lifestyle. 

A normal digestive system helps your body absorb the nutrients it needs from your diet — which is super-important whatever your fitness goals. 

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Best All-In-One Supplement

Best All-In-One Supplement

All-In-One Perform Blend

The ultimate all-in-one blend to fuel your ambition. Containing 22g of carbs and 30g of protein, our formula helps you to hit your daily intake. Carbs help your muscles recover after working out, and protein helps to grow and maintain important muscle. 

Plus, we've included popular ingredient HMB, which is a metabolite of leucine. Leucine is a BCAA which occurs naturally in protein, which helps to build and repair new muscle — super-important wherever your training takes you.

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Best Vegan Gainer

Best Vegan Gainer

Vegan Gainer Blend

On a plant-based diet but want to pack on muscle and size? Our vegan gainer blend delivers a mighty 29g of plant-powered protein alongside 39g of carbs. Protein contributes to the growth muscle mass and carbs help your muscles recover after exercise so that you're ready to go again. 

To help you get those all-important extra calories, which are key to bulking up, we’ve included a blend of organic flours — including amaranth, buckwheat and freekah — stacking up the carb content and helping to fuel your ambition.

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Extreme Gainer Blend All-Natural Peanut Butter All-In-One Perform Blend Vegan Weight Gainer
Extreme Gainer Blend
Best Weight Gain Formula
All-Natural Peanut Butter
Best Gainer Snack
All-In-One Perform Blend
Best All-In-One Supplement
Vegan Weight Gainer
Best Vegan Gainer
  Why choose?
Why choose? Each serving contains a staggering 502 calories and 62g of carbs, supporting your goal to build mass. This 579kcal spread is versatile in how it can be consumed, from being on bread or straight from the tub. Crammed with 22g of carbs and 30g of protein, our blend supports your goal of building mass. And we've added HMB. Being on a vegan diet makes building mass difficult, making our formula a great way to consume carbs and protein.
  Main Ingredients
Main Ingredients Maize Starch, Whey Protein Concentrate and Calcium Caseinate Peanuts Protein Blend, Carbohydrate Blend and L Glutamine Fine Ground Oats, Pea Protein Powder and Brown Rice Protein
Protein 35g per 125g 30g per 100g 30g per 70g 29g per 100g
Carbohydrates 62g per 125g 12g per 100g 22g per 70g 39g per 100g
  of which sugars
of which sugars 17g per 125g 5.9g per 100g 15g per 70g 1g per 100g
Fat 7.9g per 125g 46g per 100g 2.6g per 70g 10g per 100g
Calories 502kcal per 125g 579kcal per 100g 236kcal per 70g 402kcal per 100g