Try This 30-Day Squat Challenge to Build Strength
The gyms may be closed but that is no excuse for not pushing yourself. If you’re wondering how to get yourself started or motivated then it’s time to throw yourself into a fitness challenge, and what better challenge than the squat challenge.
Push yourself into a new world of motivation by squatting your way through 30 days of variations, progress and achievement.
How to squat
Stand with feet shoulder-width, with toes slightly turned outward. Tighten up your core to stabilize yourself, start to shift your weight back into your heels while pushing your hips behind you as you squat down. - Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Your feet should remain flat on the ground, and your knees should remain over your toes.
- Keep your spine neutral, chest out and push through the heel to return to the start position. Keep the core tight throughout for better technique.
What are the benefits?
When done correctly, your core will benefit from this exercise however, the squat predominantly builds muscle and strength in your lower body. In addition, due to the number of muscles worked, more calories will be burned.
The squat strengthens a number of key and large muscles including the Glutes and Quads and due to this, can reduce the chances of injury.
The 30-day squat challenge
Complete the required reps each day to complete the challenge. If you can do this in one sitting then great. You're in a brilliant place to start but worry not, if you can’t and need to break it up that is not an issue. Aim for sets of ten minimum and take a short rest period.
It won’t be easy but think about the end result. Unsure about the technique? Take a look below for a full breakdown of each variation that is listed.
Day |
Exercises |
Day 1 | 50 squats |
Day 2 | 60 squats |
Day 3 | 70 squats |
Day 4 | Rest |
Day 5 | 70 squats, 5 pulse squats |
Day 6 | 80 squats, 5 hold squats |
Day 7 | 85 squats, 5 squat jumps |
Day 8 | Rest |
Day 9 | 100 squats, 5 power squats |
Day 10 | 85 squats, 5 squat jumps, 5 pulse squats |
Day 11 | 90 squats, 5 power squats, 5 hold squats |
Day 12 | Rest |
Day 13 | 120 squats, 5 power squats, 5 pulse squats, 5 hold squats |
Day 14 | 100 Squats, 10 squat jumps, 5 hold squats |
Day 15 | 110 Squats, 5 squat jumps, 5 power squats, 5 pulse squats, 5 hold squats |
Day 16 | Rest |
Day 17 | 130 Squats 10 squat jumps, 10 power squats |
Day 18 | 120 Squats 10 pulse Squats, 10 power squats, 5 hold squats |
Day 19 | 130 Squats 10 Hold squats, 10 squat jumps |
Day 20 | Rest |
Day 21 | 150 Squats, 10 squat jumps, 10 power squats |
Day 22 | 150 squats, 10 pulse squats, 10 hold squats |
Day 23 | 190 squats |
Day 24 | Rest |
Day 25 | 160 squats, 10 squat jumps, 10 power squats, 10 pulse squats, 10 hold squats |
Day 26 | 225 Squats |
Day 27 | 200 squats, 10 squat jumps, 20 power squats |
Day 28 | Rest |
Day 29 | 200 squats (5 squat jumps, 5 power squats, 5 pulse squats, 5 hold squats. Rest for 1 minute and repeat x 3) |
Day 30 | 200 squats (10 squat jumps, 10 power squats, 5 pulse squats, 5 hold squats. Rest for 1 minute and repeat x 3) |
Correct Form
1. Basic Squat
Stand with feet shoulder-width, with toes slightly turned outward. Tighten up your core to stabilize yourself, start to shift your weight back into your heels while pushing your hips behind you as you squat down. Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Your feet should remain flat on the ground, and your knees should remain over your toes. Keep your spine neutral, chest out and push through the heel to return to the start position. Keep the core tight.
2. Pulse squat
Once in position based on the basic squat, drop into the deep squat position. Instead of returning to standing, hold a low squat and pulse, holding the correct form. Your pulse should raise and lower just a couple of inches to really feel the burn. When complete, return to standing and rest.
3. Squat jump
Stand with feet shoulder-width, feet in a position that you would perform a normal jump. Tense the core and drop into the deep squat position. Weight on your heels. Power through the heel into a jump. Once you land, follow-through back into the deep squat position. Repeat for the required number of reps then rest.
4. Power squat
- Stand with your feet slightly beyond shoulder-width apart, toes forward, hands next to your sides.
- Simultaneously, push your hips back and swing your arms backwards, lowering your body until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor.
Pause, then quickly push yourself back to the starting position, swinging your arms above your head and ending the movement on your toes.
5. Hold squat
Stand with feet shoulder-width, with toes slightly turned outward. Tighten up your core to stabilize yourself, start to shift your weight back into your heels while pushing your hips behind you as you squat down. Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Once at the bottom, hold for a count of 2 before pushing through the heel back to the start position. Repeat for the required number of reps.