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Build Your Routine Back Up With BeNu

As the world continues to get back to normal, our routines that went out the window over the last couple of years are coming back too. However, getting back into a routine is much easier said than done. Switching from skulking downstairs to put the kettle on and flipping open your laptop to waking up an hour earlier and jumping on the train to work was never going to be easy... but we reckon we can make it easier. 

BeNu’s complete nutrition shake makes the routine-building process that little bit simpler. Here’s how to form a routine, with the help of BeNu.


Nutrition? Sorted.

When you’re getting back into a busier routine, whether it be dropping the kids off at school, or heading on your morning commute, your macros are easily sacrificed and all the progress you’ve made at risk of being lost rather than incorporated into your new routine.  

A BeNu shake gives you one less thing to think about. The macros in each shake are clear and complete, with 400 calories, 34g of protein, 33g of carbs and 9g of fibre, meaning you don’t have to worry about doing any mental maths with your lunch. 


Nail your organisation

Meal prepping your lunches is seriously organised. However, we don’t all have time to get five lunches prepped every week. Having a BeNu shake on hand means that you can be organised even on days where you haven’t been able to prep that chicken, rice and veggie box. 

Instead of throwing off your routine by rushing around trying to find lunch at work, or missing your train in the morning on account of waiting for your oats to be ready, just throw BeNu into your shaker and get on with your day. 


Spend less time in the kitchen

With life going back to normal, and everyone spending much more time out of the house, you want to avoid spending too much time in the kitchen. So, make life easier by having a BeNu shake at the ready for days where you just need to get up and out. 


Stay consistent

Building a routine is all about consistency. Do the same thing, every day and eventually it becomes routine. Adding a BeNu shake into your routine couldn’t make consistency easier. Building a habit of having your BeNu shake every day on your morning commute, or at lunchtime builds that habit up, and keeps you consistent with your macros. 


Take home message

We've all gotten used to new routines over the past couple of years, so don’t worry if getting back to normal has been a little tough at times. Getting back into the habit of dropping the kids off at school or trying to squeeze in a session at the gym around heading back to the office isn’t easy at first. BeNu is here to make the transition to a new routine that little bit easier. You focus on getting back into old habits, and we’ll handle the nutrition.Want more info on BeNu?


Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.
Monica Green
Monica Green Content Manager

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