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How To Train Like The UK’s Fittest Man | Zack George

We've told you before, and we'll tell you again — Zack George is a machine. But what did you expect from the recently crowned, fittest man in the UK?

Zack trains up to 12 times a week, and there's some pretty high-intensity training involved. Just have a scroll through his Instagram feed, if you don't believe us.

We were lucky to join Zack at Hale Country Club to see his 'active recovery' session. It's something he does every Wednesday, consisting of lower impact fitness exercises, so he's not too sore the next day. The workout,  a 20-Minute EMOM (or every minute on the minute, to me and you), was impressive, to say the least.

Think you can keep up with this world-class athlete? Here's how you try...

Zack's 20-Minute EMOM

Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds. EMOM,  an acronym for every minute on the minute, is a type of interval training that challenges you to complete a certain number of reps in less than 60 seconds. If you complete the reps in under a minute, the remaining time serves as your rest and recovery. And trust us, you're going to need it.


Minute 1 — 20 Calorie Row 

Yes, you heard correctly. Burn 20 calories on a rower in under a minute — we were shocked too.


But why, rowing? Well, it's a low impact exercise that provides a full-body workout — perfect for those active recovery days.  Rowing activates the major muscles in your legs, arms, and back, as well as helping to increase your cardiovascular capacity. But, be warned. It's going to hurt if you try and keep up with Zack.


Minute 2 — 17 Burpees

If you thought a 20Kcal row sounded dreadful, then these might be the death of you.  After the first burpee, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. Trying asking yourself the same question after your 17th burpee in under a minute. Oh, and the 20 calorie row you've just completed.


Let's be honest, there's no fun way to do a burpee. Whether you're trying to hit a certain rep count, cram in as many as possible within a specific timeframe, or simply take them slow and steady, they'll tire you out quicker than you'd think. That's the bad news.

On a more positive note, they're well worth the effort. A burpee works your arms, back, chest, core, glutes and legs without using any equipment. If Zack does them, they must be good, right?


Minute  Exercise 
1  20kcal Row 
2  17 Burpees 
3  20kcal Row 
4  17 Burpees 
5  20kcal Row 
6  17 Burpees 
7  20kcal Row 
8  17 Burpees 
9  20kcal Row 
10  17 Burpees 
11  20kcal Row 
12  17 Burpees 
13  20kcal Row 
14  17 Burpees 
15  20kcal Row 
16  17 Burpees 
17  20kcal Row 
18  17 Burpees 
19  20kcal Row 
20  17 Burpees 


Zack's Take Home Message

This workout isn't for the fainted hearted. Whether you're looking for a fresh way to train or fancy your chances against the fittest man in the UK,  EMOM workouts are a great place to start.

And, we'll leave you with these tips from the main man himself...


Don't be afraid to start with lower reps

You don't always have to follow the pros. Doing something is better than nothing at all. If 20 minutes seems like a challenge too far, start with 10 minutes and slowly build your way up. It's all about confidence.


Isaac Syred
Isaac Syred Writer and expert

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