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Student Fuels 300kg Deadlift With 3,000 Calories

Nathaniel Massiah is no stranger to the gym, and when you’re at his level, tracking your macros comes with the territory. He also happens to be a student, which you’d think makes eating right a bit more challenging. But Nathaniel seems to be doing a pretty good job of things. Or at least his constant PBs suggest as much.

Macronutrients are the nutrients in our food that provide us with energy. There are three macronutrients; contrary to what certain diets that shall not be named tell you, you need all of them: carbs, proteins and fats. The energy in macronutrients is measured by calories.

When you’re tracking your macros, you’ll monitor how many grams of carbs, fats and proteins you consume. On top of that, it’s also common to track your overall calorie intake. Sounds like a lot of effort, we know. But there are apps that will do it for you.

What are Macros?

Macros are all the rage, but what are they?

Nathaniel recently achieved a new deadlift PB: 300kg for three reps. As someone who lifts extremely heavy weights, he needs plenty of protein to help his muscles to recover. Additionally, resistance training burns a lot of calories, so Nathaniel also needs to make sure he is eating enough to fuel his training.

19-Year-Old Deadlifts 300kg As Whole Gym Watches

Pre-deadlift ritual helps Nathaniel shift this weight for reps.

Meal one

For the most important meal of the day, Nathaniel whipped up a few spare ingredients in his fridge and cupboard. This included five full eggs and one egg white scrambled together with a pinch of salt, pepper and liquid seasoning. And don’t forget a healthy squirt of ketchup. Not for everyone, but each to their own. Like gym-bros everywhere, he didn’t bother with toast — he simply had a plate full of eggs.

That wasn’t all. On the side he had a bowl of Special K with a good squeeze of honey and topped with soya milk.

Protein 53
Carbs 115
Fats 32
Calories 967

Meal two

After a trip to the supermarket, it was time to whip up a spot of lunch. On the menu was the old training favourite, chicken and rice. Sorry, chicken, spinach and rice. Can't forget about the greens.

While it sounds simple, you can rest assured it was anything but bland. He didn’t hold back on the seasoning.

Protein 75
Carbs 66
Fats 9
Calories 665

Meal three

As a student, Nathaniel’s no stranger to heading out for a meal and a few drinks from time to time. He tries to stick to his macros when possible, opting for a high-protein meal. He went for lamb chops and chips.

Protein 49
Carbs 48
Fats 33
Calories 860


And just because he’s tracking his macros, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t deserve a treat every now and then. Today's treat: Hello Panda, a brand of Japanese crème filled biscuits. They look delicious.

Protein 1
Carbs 31
Fats 14
Calories 263

Take Home Message

As a student, bodybuilder, powerlifting competitor, university student and influencer, you may wonder just how Nathaniel manages to track his macros on top of everything else. But I suppose if you’re passionate about something, then you’re willing to put in the effort and commitment. Here's to many more PBs.



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Emily Wilcock
Emily Wilcock Content Executive
After completing an internship with Myprotein, Emily returned to university to finish her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Marketing. With experience in lifestyle writing, Emily aims to entertain and educate through her work. Her focuses include recipes, real and inspiring stories, and working with writers to help provide easy-to-digest evidence-based research. Her work on recipes has been previously featured in The Supplement magazine, with a particular focus on high-protein, nutritious meals, plus advice on how to properly fuel your body. Outside of work, Emily’s top priority is food. She’s a self-professed star baker and a connoisseur of all things baked. In her spare time, she’s either cooking up a storm, our looking out for the opportunity to try out Manchester’s newest restaurants. But as a huge fan of carbs, if it’s not pasta or pasta-adjacent, she’s not interested. If she’s not in the kitchen, she’s tucked up with a book for an early night, or you’ll find her in the gym working up a sweat. Afterall, all those carbs require quite the appetite.

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