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#RefuelYourAmbition Challenge | Week 6

We’re having a hard time believing that half of February is already gone and we’re in week 6 of the #RefuelYourAmbition challenge. We’ve had some insane prizes be won, and there are still loads more to come.But first, if you’re new around here, let us fill you in on what’s been going on. Each week since the beginning of January, here at Myprotein our ambassadors have been setting new challenges each week to help you rebuild your fitness after the shocker that was 2020. The challenges include a whole range of different activities, testing your kitchen skills, mindfulness, and of course, your fitness abilities. Each challenge is set on a Monday and runs through to the following Monday.And did we mention there are prizes up for grabs for each challenge? You could win anything from a smoothie maker to a £200 voucher. If that all sounds good to you, find out what challenges you can take part in this week...

Laura Todd’s Mindfulness Challenge

This week Laura is challenging you to work on your mindfulness. This can be anything from taking time out of your day to meditate, read a book or go for a walk. Whatever kind of mindful action that you can take to give yourself some down time, now is the time to show it off to Laura. The winner will get their very own Therabody massage gun.To get all the details of what you need to do to enter, check out Laura’s post below.

Sam Brown’s 1 Minute Challenge

For Sam’s challenge, you’ve got to have some pretty solid cardio, lower body strength and a decent bit of coordination too. Sam challenges you to do as many jumping lunges as you can in 1 minute. And your knee has to touch the ground in each rep, so no cutting corners! The winner will get a £200 voucher to spend on site.For the full details of how to enter Laura’s challenge, see her post below.

Lucy Kent’s 500 Rep Challenge

Lucy’s challenge is definitely a burner. 10 glute focussed exercises, 50 reps each, one after another. And all you’ve got to do is get through it! If you do, film your attempt and Lucy will choose the winner of her £50 voucher.For the full details head over to Lucy’s post below.
Clear Vegan Protein
Impact Whey Protein
Want to catch up on the challenge so far?



Monica Green
Monica Green Content Manager

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