Alex Tilinca Profile: Weight, Age, Height & Training

- About Alex Tilinca
- Profile
- Training and nutrition
- Alex's Story
- Career highlights
- Personal records
- Go-to cheat meal
- Song he couldn't workout without
- Young Alex Tilinca
About Alex Tilinca
Forename | Alex |
Surname | Tilinca |
Pronouns | He/Him |
Date of Birth | 21st December 2000 |
Age | 21 |
Height | 5'5" (165cm) |
Weight | 81.64kg (180lb) |
Training and nutrition
Alex had to find his own feet as a professional bodybuilder as he could not find a trainer who would work with a trans competitor. It's fair to say he has succeeded in creating an incredible physique. Here's how he does it:
Training/workout split
Monday: rest (coaching client day).
Tuesday: back/shoulders/hamstring touch-ups
Wednesday: chest/arms
Thursday: rest (coaching client day).
Friday: Alternating legs with either quad or hamstring focus
Saturday: delts/back touch-ups
Sunday: arms/chest touch-ups
Supplement routine
Alex is a keen user of supplements and takes a varied range to make sure he has a full nutrition profile. Here are some of the supplements he uses to support his training:
Pre fasted cardio:
500mg L-carnitine - 1 cup black coffee
(He uses these two in conjunction to help burn more fat during cardio.)
Meal one supplements:
- Daily probiotic: gut health
- Daily greens drink
Daily multivitamin and minerals - Betaine HCL + pepsin
- Glucose disposal agent (GDA)
Supplements with meals 2-5:
- Betaine HCL + pepsin
Intra-workout Supplements:
Meal six supplements:
Alex supplements with fish oil to lower muscle inflammation post-workout, support brain function and reduce cortisol levels before sleep.
Product/supplement he couldn’t live without
EAA: (pre-digested protein in the form of amino acids) rapidly absorbed into the muscle for instant recovery and growth as well as muscle hydration.Glucose disposal agent: Proper absorption and disposal of carbs (glucose). Creatine: For a stronger and faster ATP release during training, which basically means a stronger energy release.Glutamine: Helps ensure the EAAs and cluster dextrin are absorbed properly and helps any stomach discomfort/bloating intra-workout.
Alex’s favorite product
Myprotein EAA or glucose disposal agent
Alex's Story
Alex began his fitness journey at 16 after undergoing top surgery and starting testosterone treatment. He realised there was a gap in the market for trans PTs, so he started SELF MADE, a bodybuilding programme for trans men.
Career highlights
- Victor Martinez 2018 Teen Classic Physique Champion, 2nd in Junior Open
- First trans man to be sponsored by a major fitness supplement company
- First trans man to be sponsored by a major fitness clothing company
- Featured on the New York Post, Long Island News 12, Newsday, Fox
- Youngest bodybuilder to be featured on Muscular Development
- First trans bodybuilder to be featured on Muscular Development

Personal Records
- Dumbbell incline chest press: 130lb each hand for 10 reps
- Hack squat: 720lb squat for 8 reps
- Smith barbell squat: 405lb for 10 reps
- Seated plate shoulder press: 260lb for 12 reps
- Dumbbell shoulder press: 110lb each hand for 12 reps
- Stiff leg deadlifts: 360lb for 10 reps
- Rack pulls: 405lb for 6 reps
Go-to cheat meal
Any of the below:
- Burger with pretzel bun, mozzarella, gravy and mushrooms with a side of fries
- Steak with mash potatoes and creamed spinach
- Greek gyro with fries
Song he couldn’t work out without
- Defying Gravity — The Veer Union
Young Alex Tilinca
Alex started his transition process with hormone blockers at the age of 12. He then started using testosterone and had top surgery at the age of 16.


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